Author: znlive

Human Ethics for Artificial Intelligent Beings AI Strategy Policy

Of course, a real-world AI-based ethical system is likely to be based on a both top-down and bottom-up moral principles. Almost last but not least in any way, it is worthwhile keeping in mind that ethics and morality are directly or indirectly influenced by a societys religious fabric of the past up to the present.…
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2017 Symposium

Thinking A.I. through Rastus Robot, the Westinghouse Mechanical Slave Remaking Reasoning: Logics, Labor, and Automation was designed to address the biggest challenges we face as AI moves further into our everyday lives. This was the second annual Symposium hosted by the AI Now, with generous support from the AI Ethics and Governance Fund, John D.…
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Following health data controversy Googles DeepMind forms AI ethics unit

SECURITY- BYMARK ALBERTSON.4 DAYS AGO AI must go mainstream. New Innovation Lab boosts efforts at Dell EMC Researcher finds leading police body cameras can be easily hacked As VMworld nears, virtualization disrupts the cloud application ecosystem The journalism, reporting and commentary onSiliconANGLE along with live, unscripted video from our Silicon Valley studio and globe-trotting video…
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Artificial Intelligence Studies

The development of strong artificial intelligence and increasingly sophisticated robotics will be a defining theme of the 21stcentury. To explore the implications of evolving A.I. and robotics, the Robert Strauss Center launched an interdisciplinary Artificial Intelligence Program titledConsortium on Law and Ethics of A.I. and Robotics (CLEAR). CLEAR will bring together leaders in the academy,…
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Microsoft now offers public courses for building AI skills

With so many companies focused onAI, providing ways for people to build their AI skills is useful to both those looking to work in the tech industry and companies who will need to recruit more AI experts as their development efforts expand. AI is increasingly important in how our products and services are designed and…
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AAAI 2018 Spring Symposium Series

Learning, Inference, and Control of Multi-Agent Systems Cambridgeshire, CB 2 9BB, United Kingdom Hierarchical representation, reasoning, and planning Behavior synthesis and execution in robotics The symposium will include invited talks, presentations of accepted papers, group work sessions and panels. Identifying modeling errors during plan execution Bridging the gaps between abstract models and reality in sequential…
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Carnegie Mellon Receives $10 Million From KL Gates To Study Ethical Issues Posed by Artificial Intelligence

Media contacts:Mike Rick (K&L Gates), ,mike.Martin Mbugua (CMU), , We are deeply grateful to K&L Gates for this generous support, said Carnegie Mellon President Subra Suresh. It is not just technology that will determine how this century unfolds. Our future will also be influenced strongly by how humans interact with technology, how we foresee and…
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